How to start as an illustrator

Illustration is an exciting profession! It will sprinkle your life with lots of colour and inspiration. How to start as an illustrator, this is a very important question lots of artists ask me. So I thought that it would be best if I write this article in hopes that it will help you to pursue your dreams.

Having an art education definitely helps, but most importantly you need to have passion for illustration.

My illustration success started after completing my 3 years of illustration training in illustration and design program. It’s true, the more you spend time learning about a particular subject, more you become better at it. The same goes for illustration, when you go to the illustration school, you learn a lot of different illustration techniques that help you discover your true self which is important to become a successful illustrator. In school you will learn a lot on how to start as an illustrator, that how I learned from my teachers. So now I am here for you to share my knowledge and expertise! I will describe in details what type of education and school is best for freelance illustrators, stay tuned! From the Illustration B School, you will learn a lot on how to start as an illustrator.

But how to start your illustration career? Where to begin you might ask?

How to start as an illustrator? Illustration success comes from having a unique consistent style and professional technical skills. It’s very important that you find your own style of illustration that truly reflects who you are. This might take time to develop but is vital for your illustration success. I am now creating a special course designed especially for that, it will teach you how to find your unique illustration style and become irresistible to clients, you can subscribe here to receive an update before the launch so that you could pre-register.

Marketing is very important as well. Your success works as a package containing: unique illustration style, professional technical skills, online marketing and big dreams. Most importantly, you must have a vision, a big goal of where you are going. Ask yourself what kind of clients are your dream clients? It’s very important to have big dreams as they will inspire you to press forward.

Make sure you join illustration communities as interacting with professional illustrators will help you a lot. You can also join the illustrator’s society in your area. Many illustrators’ societies have professional illustration portfolio reviews where art directors examine your work and give feedback. This is a very useful and helpful place where you can grow and network.

I suggest you to pick books and magazines on illustration such as:

Communication Arts magazine Illustration edition

Illustration Mundo’s Ask a Pro.

As well, make sure you submit your website to illustrationmundo as this can be a great place to promote your work

how to start as an illustrator

Your illustration style

Having a distinct and unique illustration style is the most important element in your illustration career success.

Professional technical skills

It’s important for you to experiment different illustration techniques. You can find lots of instructional tutorial videos on Youtube and Vimeo. There is lots of interesting content and tips from illustrators and artist from around the world. I also highly recommend you to use tutorials. This website provides all the technical knowledge you need.

Your online illustration portfolio

It’s very important for you to have a website and upload your best illustration work there. This will give you an opportunity to share with the world your beautiful artwork and get potential clients see your work.

So now you have a little bit of a clue on how to start as an illustrator. We’ll discuss more of these subjects in the following weeks on youtube. Make sure you send me your illustration questions. I will be picking one and answering it in form of a video on youtube. With Illustration B School you will succeed as an illustrator as you will find lots of answers to your questions!

Let me know what topics you would like me to share with you on how to start as an illustrator.

Make sure guys that you watch the first episode on business of illustration.

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