fashion illustration

Online Illustration Course – Illustration Style that attracts clients!

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Online Illustration Course This online illustration course is now live! I am excited to announce that my 5 weeks e-course on how to create an illustration style that will attract top clients is now available! You can read all the details about this exciting online illustration course on the official course page. All this information […]

Freelance Illustration – How did I start?

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Freelance Illustration All about freelance illustration – This week’s question is different from all other questions I received. This time, Tom from New York, asked me to share how I started as an illustrator. Hi Daria, could you please describe how you became an illustrator with so much success? I want to hear it from […]

Freelance Illustration Market

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Freelance illustration Market So the freelance illustration market is very diverse. It has a lot of different niches and categories. This week’s question I received from Tom, New York. Hi Daria, my name is Tom, from NYC. I’d love to ask you this question: could you please describe in your words the freelance illustration market? […]

Watch from "struggle to becoming a highly published illustrator" - Free video training series.