Freelance Illustration

All about freelance illustration – This week’s question is different from all other questions I received. This time, Tom from New York, asked me to share how I started as an illustrator.

Hi Daria, could you please describe how you became an illustrator with so much success? I want to hear it from you, what were the milestones in your career?

About ten years ago. When I first found out that there is a career called illustration, I was so happy because drawing has always been my passion. After high school, I right away went to study freelance illustration for three years. It was truly amazing going to a college and learning what I so much loved. I couldn’t believe that this was possible.

So after graduating, I couldn’t wait but start working in freelance illustration. I was so excited. Later, I learned that it was crucial for me to have a unique style that would stand out. I didn’t know many tips on freelance illustration but was dreaming about different clients.

freelance illustration

I contacted many illustration reps and showed them my portfolio, in other words, I started showing my artwork to as many people as possible. I remember, during one day sometimes I had three interviews! It was hectic and art directors were basically critiquing my illustrations on every interview. I learned a lot from those days.

In about three years, I started really understanding the market and applying different tips I learned from many creative directors and art directors. Basically, my illustration career started blossoming after I analyzed everything that I’ve been doing.

I started getting illustration freelance jobs from big book publishing houses, ad agencies, greeting cards, magazines, etc. The list goes on and on.

And now, I am here as a founder of the illustration B-SCHOOL, helping you get where you are dreaming to get. Freelance illustration career is exciting and you will achieve success if you follow what I’m teaching you.

Next week, I am launching my first e-course on how to create an irresistible illustration style that clients will love! Stay tuned.

lots of love,



see my official illustration portfolio

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